Birding in Bhutan: A Chorus Atop the Clouds


Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, isn't just a haven for spiritual seekers and trekkers. Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Bhutan boasts a rich tapestry of biodiversity, making it a paradise for birdwatchers around the globe. With an astounding 770 plus recorded species, Bhutan's unique ecological zones offer a chance to witness a dazzling array of avian wonders, from the vibrantly colored Himalayan Monal to the elusive Black-necked Crane.

A Symphony of Habitats:

Bhutan's diverse landscape creates a symphony of habitats, each attracting a distinct avian cast. Soar through the air on a Bhutan birding tour with Langur Eco Travels ( and discover:

  • Subtropical Forests: The verdant foothills teem with colorful birds like the Slaty-headed Parakeet, the skulking Rufous-necked Laughingthrush, and the jewel-toned Green-billed Magpie.

  • Broadleaf Forests: Ascend into the cooler climes, and witness the graceful Himalayan Bulbul, the flitting Fire-tailed Sunbird, and the striking Ward's Trogon with its dazzling crimson plumage.

  • Rhododendron Forests: Trek through vibrant rhododendron forests, a haven for the elusive Blood Pheasant, the Red-billed Cough, and the stunning Koklass Pheasant.

  • Alpine Pastures: Hike above the treeline and encounter the majestic Himalayan Griffon soaring on thermal currents, the skittish Himalayan Snowcock, and the aptly named Beautiful Rosefinch.

  • Wetlands: Explore the serene high-altitude lakes and marshes, a haven for migratory birds like the endangered Black-necked Crane, the majestic Bar-headed Goose, and the elegant Common Teal.

Beyond the Checklist: A Birder's Paradise

A Bhutan birding tour with Langur Eco Travels goes beyond ticking species off a list. Our experienced guides, passionate birders themselves, will transform your trip into an immersive ornithological adventure. Imagine:

  • Waking up to the dawn chorus – a symphony of chirps, whistles, and calls, a breathtaking start to your day.
  • Spotting a rare bird – the thrill of watching a Himalayan Monal displaying its iridescent plumage or a Rufous-bellied Woodpecker hammering on a giant oak.
  • Learning about bird behavior – understanding their calls, feeding habits, and ecological roles in the fragile Himalayan ecosystem.
  • Capturing the perfect shot – with breathtaking backdrops and Langur Eco Travels' expert advice on bird photography, you'll return with stunning images that will leave you reminiscing for years to come.

A Birding bonanza for Every Level:

Whether you're a seasoned birder with a life list to complete or a curious nature enthusiast wanting a glimpse into Bhutan's avian treasures, Langur Eco Travels has a birding tour for you. We offer:

  • Short birding excursions: Perfect for those with limited time, these tours focus on easily accessible birding hotspots near Paro and Thimphu, offering a taste of Bhutan's avian diversity.
  • Comprehensive birding tours: Embark on a longer journey, venturing deep into the heart of Bhutan's national parks and protected areas to encounter a wider variety of bird species.
  • Customizable birding itineraries: Tailor-made tours catering to your specific interests, whether you're drawn to raptors, pheasants, or elusive migrants.

Beyond the Birds: A Cultural Tapestry

Bhutan is more than just birds. A Langur Eco Travels birding tour seamlessly blends your passion for birds with the rich cultural tapestry of this unique kingdom. Witness the vibrant prayer flags fluttering in the wind, explore ancient monasteries perched precariously on cliffs, and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the Bhutanese people.

Plan Your Bhutan Birding Adventure Today!

Contact Langur Eco Travels ( and let us create your dream Bhutan birding tour. Explore a land where the call of the wild resonates in perfect harmony with the whispers of ancient traditions. Bhutan awaits – come, experience the magic for yourself!

A few additional points to remember:


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